AMA recognizes Dedicated Breast CT by assigning 6 CPT Codes

    AMA recognizes Dedicated Breast CT by assigning 6 CPT Codes

    On June 15th, 2020, the American Medical Association (AMA) granted 6 Category III CPT codes for the FDA PMA cleared dedicated breast CT imaging procedure. The newly assigned CPT codes in addition to the previous FDA PMA clearance process, formally introduces access to this new and advanced modality on January 1, 2021.

    The AMA technical subcommittee, comprised of prominent members of the American College of Radiology (ACR) assigned to evaluate the merit of the new technology unanimously advocated for the 6 dedicated CT codes for breast CT which further validates this advance in breast imaging.

    CPT codes allow providers to bill towards insurance payors for AMA recognized procedures and form the foundation for economic justification in transitioning from conventional FFDM and DBT to breast CT.

    The key features of this landmark technology which moves flat 2 dimensional, compressed images away from mammography include:

    • the elimination of painful compression; a common complaint of conventional mammography
    • for the first time, presenting true, Isotropic 3-dimensional images in a natural undistorted view from compressing breast tissue
    • multiplanar reconstruction allowing coregistration in multiple views
    • one 10 second acquisition of each breast at radiation doses in the same range as diagnostic mammography
    • complete full breast image data at acquisition eliminating call backs for additional views (physician directed data set manipulation – replaces requests for additional mammographic images, saving time and patient dose)
    • x-ray guided needle biopsy option. Exacting image quality replication from the original image
    • easy to administer and manage Contrast Enhanced breast imaging, physician directed, with standard CT contrast solutions (not required on all patients)
    • superb implant imaging without the use of displacement views
    • rapid and accurate neoadjuvant therapy monitoring as needed

    Breast CT technology presents the ability to bring long awaited change to breast imaging and ushers in the next step for improving early stage breast cancer detection without absorbing the cost of expensive and time-consuming breast MRI.

    Additionally, through implementing Breast CT, the need for diagnostic mammograms and separate stereotactic devices are eliminated, saving time, and improving the patient experience. The Koning Corporation is currently the only company with FDA PMA clearance to manufacture and distribute breast CT.  We invite you to view additional information on this web site and contact us for additional details, including the best method to utilize these CPT codes.
